Hello, I'm a dedicated young researcher/technologist with a strong passion for cutting-edge human-centric AI and Digital technologies. Over the years, I have designed and contirbuted to several projects in both the IT industry and R&D sectors. My academic background is rooted in Computer Science, and have a history of actively contributing to conferences, meetups, and talks, as I belive learning never exausts the mind.
Previously, I served as a Senior Scientist at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security (AICS) at the University of Klagenfurt , Austria, where I also completed my Ph.D. in 2023. During my doctoral studies, I authored 10 peer-reviewed publications, focusing on conversational recommender systems designed to assist users in finding relevant items and making informed decisions using natural language interfaces (e.g., chatbots).

My primary research interests encompass Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and User Experience (UX) research. I am committed to advancing these interdisciplinary fields to create technology that is more intuitive, efficient, and tailored to the needs of individuals and society.
At the core of my work is the belief that computer sciences should aim to enhance the lives of people. Recognizing the intrinsic relation between technology and humanity, I believe human-centered computing not merely a field of study, but a broader mission.

Currently, my work is centered around the extensive exploration of large language models (LLMs) with a specific focus on their societal impact and influence on individuals. In addition, I'm involved in various activties like commencing generative AI use-cases, their solutions, and impact. Furthermore, I'm actively engaging in collaborative research projects with esteemed international scholars and practioners.
word cloud chart extracted from peer-reviewed publications.


  • March 2024: Our paper, titled “ChagtGPT as a Conversational Recommender System: A User-centric Analysis” has been accepted for publication in UMAP 24.

  • September 2023: We are pleased to share that our two articals accepted for publication in workshops at RecSys 23, Singapore.

  • July 2023: I will be serving as an SV in ACM RecSys ‘23, Singapore.

  • April 2023: I will be participating in CHI ‘23, co-organizing GPS sessions, Hamberg, Germany.

  • September 2022: I will be serving as an SV for ACM RecSys 2022, Seattle, USA.